
Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories. You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure, automating production and fighting enemies.

Features of our Factorio servers

Below you can find all features we offer for your very own Factorio Server. If you still have some questions in regards to features of your server please contact us.

Also make sure to check out our other games. You pay for the server, not for each game! Read more about this on our homepage.

Simplified but all inclusive Settings

We offer a simplified settings to get started with your friends quickly and easily. You can easily name your server, provide the necessary info to get it publicly listed in the server browser of Factorio and set a password on it if you want to.

If you want to tweak, for example, the map generation you can chose to use the advanced settings instead. You can change all the settings through the JSON files from Factorio. However this will require a bit more know-how. If you need any help you can always contact us. We want you to be able to do everything yourself, but we are here to help if needed!


All mods that can be installed through the game can also be easily installed through our setup

Import / Export SaveFiles

You can upload an already existing savefile or download the current one from the server to use locally or to keep as a back-up. To keep it simple there always exists only one savefile for each gameserver so if you want to play another world make sure to download and store a copy of the current savefile first before you start or upload a new one.

Access to CLI

If you want to check on your server for activity or use any commands you can use our build in CLI to connect and execute commands. However for Factorio there's not that many commands except for /save and /quit. the latter of which will be automatically reversed by our systems. But you can always chat with people!