Get your own Simple Game Server!

All of our servers come with all the games/features that we have to offer, the only differences are the specifications below.

€ 7,95
per month
  • 1 VCPU
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 20 GB SSD
  • All available games
€ 11,95
per month
  • 2 VCPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 40 GB SSD
  • All available games
€ 19,95
per month
  • 2 VCPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 80 GB SSD
  • All available games
€ 34,95
per month
  • 4 VCPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 160 GB SSD
  • All available games
€ 59,95
per month
  • 8 VCPU
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 240 GB SSD
  • All available games

Do you have any questions about the necessary specs for your use case or do you need more then is offered here, make sure to contact us!.

Frequently asked questions

If you have a question which is not answered below please contact us through our contact page

Can i terminate the contract at any time?

We want don't want to force anyone to have to stay with us through a contract. Hence we have chosen to only offer a monthly subscription paid up front.

You can chose to stop our services at any moment. The server will stay available to you until the end of the currently paid for term is reached and will then be shutdown.

Can i downgrade or upgrade my server at any moment?

Downgrading a server is currently not possible. It's a technical challenge as that would include a downgrade of the storage capacity which is not possible if it's in use.

Allowing easy upgrading of the server is something we're looking into but is not currently possible. Please contact us if you wish to do this so we can assist and make the transition for you without issues/paying extra

I don't see a payment method that i can use, what can i do?

We're looking into adding additional payment options. Please let us know us if you're interested and we can see if we can prioritize a payment method that would work for you.

Are there any other hidden costs?

No, this is it. Of course you can decide to get multiple servers but that should not be necessary for normal usage. You'll be able to play any games that we add on the same server!